npm fuzzing

Find Bugs in js/npm/nodejs code using Fuzz Testing (jsfuzz) - JavaScript Security #1

Finding BUGS in TypeScript code using Fuzzing (jsfuzz) - Javascript Security #2

Bizarrolout: Automated Fuzzing for Hapi - Jon Lamendola @ hapiDay Oakland

Coverage Guided Fuzzing Demo

How to Write a Fuzz Test for JavaScript

Khaled Yakdan: Coverage-Guided Fuzzing for Web Applications @FuzzCon Europe - WebSecurity Edition

Find Vulnerabilities Faster with Fuzzing

NodeJS Software Pipeline

Analysis of an exploited npm package – Jarrod Overson

Extracting fuz_blog from my personal blog and publishing to npm

ACRN Security: A Journey into Fuzzing and Hardening Edge Hypervisors

NDSS 2021 Favocado: Fuzzing the Binding Code of JavaScript Engines Using Semantically Correct Tests

How to Fix NPM Vulnerabilities Quickly and Painlessly

#HITB2018AMS D1T1 - Fuzzing Javascript Engines for Fun and Pwnage - Areum Lee & Jeonghoon Shin

How I found 3 bugs in Google’s Go code using Fuzzing (go-fuzz) - Go Security #2

How I found 2 Bugs in the 'TOP 3 Most Downloaded' PyPI package with Fuzzing (Google Atheris Fuzzer)

How to write a fuzz test | Demo

Fuzzing Famous Python library with Google Atheris Fuzzer & find BUGS! - Python Security #2

Keeping JavaScript Safe: Security & the npm Registry

Traffic shadowing test in Node.js

NDSS 2023 - FUZZILLI: Fuzzing for JavaScript JIT Compiler Vulnerabilities

Web3 Tutorial 23: Next level smart contract security with Diligence Fuzzing

Introduction to JavaScript Fuzzing | How to Write a Fuzz Test With Jazzer.js

USENIX Security '19 - FIRM-AFL: High-Throughput Greybox Fuzzing of IoT Firmware via